Anna Maria Locke

March 2015

Motivation Monday: Meet Laura!

March 2015Anna LockeComment

I met Laura seven years ago, when we spent a winter together with a small group of students in the Cascade wilderness at Holden Village, an old copper mining outpost that's been transformed into a cozy retreat center. We crocheted, knit, read, wrote letters, skiied, and ran chilly miles on snow packed "road," eight feet above the actual ground. Back at Augustana we ran more miles together in circles around a track on windy and chilly spring weekends.

I wasn't really fast or good at track, but Laura pushed me to go a little harder. Seven years later I was super excited when she wanted to join me and push ourselves again with Insanity Max 30. She fully committed to the program and achieved amazing results, losing about 20 pounds and reclaiming her inner athlete back. I'm excited to share her Inspire Joy Bootcamp experience with you today!

What I've learned from Laura: If you're not happy with where you're at, make a commitment to yourself and just GO for it. Losing weight is easier than it seems once you get out of your own head and start taking action.

Meet Laura!

Why did you decide to join the Inspire Joy Bootcamp?

Well I herniated a disc in my back last March. I usually live a very active lifestyle, but this took me out of everything but swimming for about 9 months. So I gained some weight and was not feeling good about myself.

I needed a change. I had been telling myself that I was going to lose weight by eating right and swimming and doing my normal activities, but it wasn't working. So I decided to shock my system with Shakeology and Insanity Max :30.

I kept seeing your posts on Facebook and success stories and I knew I needed something different and a little support. So I asked you about the new program.

What have you gained from the experience?

 I have gained confidence in that losing inches and feeling good doesn't have to be hard. It can be fun. I'm so surprised that I went from swimming and hour a day to doing Insanity for 30 minutes and it was able to have the results I was looking for.

Favorite workout?

My favorite workout was Max Out Sweat. I thought it was the hardest one because it was doable, so you worked the whole time. You didn't HAVE TO max out so you just keep going and sweating and working.

Favorite go-to healthy foods?

Shakeology, greek yogurt and granola, egg white on toast with a slice of ham.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

At first this was hard. I really had to do a lot of self talk to keep to the program, but after the first 2 weeks, when I started see results, it was easy to stay motivated.

How do you feel about yourself now?

I feel good. I always knew I could do it, I just had to really get down to business and work on it.

What advice would you give someone who’s just starting out on her health and fitness journey?

Just get through the first 2 weeks. I guarantee you will see results and have no problem staying motivated after that. Also having the support group was a lot of fun in that you got to see what others were doing and the struggles they were having. For example, when I first start Max Out, I was so surprised how sore my calves were, but hearing that others were having the same problems and frustrations helped to keep me going anyway.

I've learned that I just need to keep myself accountable and watch what I eat and I can change. I feel like I had so many excuses before about why I couldn't lose weight, but it's as easy as everyone says.

Friday Faves :: March 20

March 2015Anna LockeComment

Happy Friday, and happy first day of SPRING!

I'm so happy that spring came "early" this year. I know we're going to have more days of slushy snow, nasty weather, and transitional crap ahead but we've been blessed with several amazingly warm days and the city is starting to wake up. I think I've started every single post for the last month giving you a snow and ice update...well, the snow and ice is GONE! Hallelujah.

Anyway, I'm sitting in Starbucks at 4pm on Friday afternoon and I was going to post a deep introspective update on my self-employment adventure, buttttt my brain is shot, so how about some fun links for your weekend?

+ Heather Waxman on How to Overcome Fear. Yup, this sums up my life right now:

Marianne Williamson says, “Sometimes, you don’t know what to do yet because you’re still pregnant with the manifestation.” And that’s what you are right now – you’re pregnant with something beautiful that is ready to birth from you. Chill with that. Just be with it.

Your ego isn’t a fan of this waiting thing. Your ego is a BIG fan of to-do lists, knowing exactly what to do and when, and it likes to always have a clear and perfect decision. This sort of waiting thing drives your ego crazy. It will have you convinced that you have to be doing something in order to feel good enough.

But the truth is this: Sometimes, doing nothing is doing something.
— Heather Waxman

+ Why it's ok for self-employment to totally suck sometimes. Check, check, and check. It's a rollercoaster!

+ 7 Tips for the Introverted Career Woman. AMEN, sister! Especially #1 and #4.

+ My friend Katie wrote a super vulnerable post on her health and weight journey. If you've been trapped in the restrictive/calorie counting mentality and aren't seeing results, or if you struggle with negative body image or binge eating, this is a must read! I believe that we need to start taking a stand for our ultimate health and happiness, and it starts by banding together, sharing our stories, and realizing we aren't alone.

+ A Dietician's Take on Shakeology. I am OBSESSED with Shakeology and my friend Tveen put all my thoughts into words. It's just the best. I've been drinking it every day for over a year and I haven't been sick in over 14 months!! (knock on wood)

+ And finally a fun recipe for your meal plan next week. At least MY meal plan :) Chicken Shawarma with Hummus and Pita. NOM.

Do you have fun plans for this weekend? Ben and I are having the neighbors over tonight for chili and Settlers of Catan, and other than that we're going to work, relax, and we're officially being installed as new member of our church on Sunday! I'm enjoying these low-key weekends because I know once spring and summer hit, life is going to pick up the pace. For now, I'll just soak up as much quiet time as I can.

xo Anna

21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan

March 2015Anna LockeComment

This week I’m officially starting a new fitness and clean eating program, the 21 Day Fix Extreme! I’m really excited to join my Bootcamp ladies for a month of delicious healthy foods and killer workouts.

Fix Extreme is the “next level” version of the 21 Day Fix, which I’ve been obsessed with ever since it launched last year. They’re both fun and effective 21 day programs of simple portion control and 30-minute circuit workouts--think Jillian Michaels’ nice little sister and that’s Autumn Calabrese, the Fix trainer.

I love the 21 Day Fix because it helped me break a huge personal fitness plateau, it taught me how to fuel my body with the right balance of macronutrients (proteins/fats/carbs) for energy and results, and as a result I’ve been able to transition to an almost 100% whole foods diet (with the occasional guilt-free treat). I’ve redefined my relationship with food, and I’m able to eat what makes me happy instead of stressing out about calories, what’s “approved,” or falling off the wagon.

Instead of counting calories or points, you portion your food using these adorable tiny Tupperware containers. They’re color coded to match the basic food groups (veggies, protein, fruits, carbs, etc), and you’re assigned a certain number of each container to eat every day. It sounds kind of complicated, but once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy to adapt into your lifestyle!

If you want to learn more about the original 21 Day Fix, you can find links to all my reviews here! It's great for anyone who wants to learn how to meal prep, eat clean, or if you're just getting started on your healthy living journey.

Why I’m doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme:

1. To re-set my nutrition. I’m viewing it like a “spring cleaning” for my body. I felt AMAZING after I finished Insanity Max 30 in February, and since then I’ve been trying to be more mindful and intentional with my eating...but I also tend to spiral down into bad habits like mindless snacking, ice cream every night, and then there might have been a St. Patty’s Day weekend adventure including a few too many mimosas and Guinnesses. I’ve been feeling sluggish and bloated, dealing with sugar cravings, and I want to feel energized again!

2. To get bikini-ready for Spring Break! Ben and I haven’t been on a vacation since our honeymoon two and a half years ago, but we’re heading to Cancun next month for a 5 day vacation I earned through Beachbody. I want to be at my best so I can feel proud of myself, because I know what I’m capable of.

3. Because I absolutely loved the 21 Day Fix and am really excited about this “next level” version! The nutrition plan is similar, but the workouts are more challenging. I’m at a more advanced fitness level now and need harder workouts to feel like I’m constantly taking myself out of my comfort zone and pushing my body to the next level. I can't wait to put on a little more muscle.

4. Because my friends Sharayah and Hannah got KILLER RESULTS and I’m dealing with some major FOMO….

My weekly goals

Instead of tracking my progress using my weight and measurements, I’m going to gauge my results on before/after photos and hold myself accountable based on how I want to FEEL. I want to feel lean, strong, confident, vibrant, energized, and on top of the world! I want to be proud of myself and know 100% that I’m treating my body with the love and respect it deserves. I’m learning how to view food and exercise as ways to respect and reward my body instead of feeling like I need to change or improve, but at the same time I know that I FEEL my best when I have a more structured meal plan.

This shift in goal setting comes as I’m finishing up Jess Lively’s Life With Intention Online course. I’m learning how to lead a more fulfilling life by focusing on intentional values-based actions that I can control (eat clean, workout, respect my body), instead of tangible benchmarks I can’t control, that have the ability to make me feel frustrated or discouraged (weight, inches).

My Game Plan

I'm going to be eating in the 1,800-2,099 calorie bracket, and alterating between the regular meal plan and the “Countdown to Competition” plan which is based off Autumn’s eating plan when she’s training for a bikini competition. This system is kind of like carb-cycling, alternating “high carb” days with high protein/low carb days. No matter which day it is, I’m going to be eating a TON of high density, nutrient rich foods.

M/Th/F Extreme plan
Tu/W Countdown to Comp plan
Weekends TBD ;)

Workout Schedule

(I’m going to follow the Extreme workouts for at least a full week, but also mix in some running, yoga, and gym classes into the routine to keep me from getting bored.)

Monday Plyo + Abs
Tuesday Upper Body
Wednesday Lower Body
Thursday Pilates or Bodypump
Friday Cardio Fix Extreme (my favorite!)
Saturday Total Body Weights
Sunday yoga

21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan

Here's what's on my meal rotation this week!
My eating philosophy: Make it fun and delicious.

(plus fruit on regular days)

AM Snack
+ Shakeology
(w/ frozen banana on regular days)

+ Quinoa bowls
+ Epic salads
(apple and PB for dessert on regular days)

PM Snacks
+ Veggies and hummus
+ Tuna and broccoli slaw

+ Chicken fajita salad
+ Steak and roast broccoli
+ Beef chili
+ Ground turkey/marinara bowl

+ Mugcake with PB (YES this fits into the plan woohoo!!!!!)

I’ll be sharing my recipes throughout the week! I also share my meal planning spreadsheets, meal plans, 21 Day Fix Recipe E-book, and more fun bonuses with my Inspire Joy Bootcamp members. If you’re interested in learning more about the Fix, let me know! Accountability is key when it comes to programs like this. You need a community to talk shop, discuss the different ways to eat Greek yogurt, and celebrate the little wins ;)

Hit the "Contact Me" button if you want to join me for a little clean eating bikini re-set this spring! I'd love to coach you through the Fix and help you stay motivated to reach your goals and finally learn what healthy balance feels like to you.

You don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat better