Happy Friday, and happy first day of SPRING!
I'm so happy that spring came "early" this year. I know we're going to have more days of slushy snow, nasty weather, and transitional crap ahead but we've been blessed with several amazingly warm days and the city is starting to wake up. I think I've started every single post for the last month giving you a snow and ice update...well, the snow and ice is GONE! Hallelujah.
Anyway, I'm sitting in Starbucks at 4pm on Friday afternoon and I was going to post a deep introspective update on my self-employment adventure, buttttt my brain is shot, so how about some fun links for your weekend?
+ Heather Waxman on How to Overcome Fear. Yup, this sums up my life right now:
“Marianne Williamson says, “Sometimes, you don’t know what to do yet because you’re still pregnant with the manifestation.” And that’s what you are right now – you’re pregnant with something beautiful that is ready to birth from you. Chill with that. Just be with it.
Your ego isn’t a fan of this waiting thing. Your ego is a BIG fan of to-do lists, knowing exactly what to do and when, and it likes to always have a clear and perfect decision. This sort of waiting thing drives your ego crazy. It will have you convinced that you have to be doing something in order to feel good enough.
But the truth is this: Sometimes, doing nothing is doing something.”
+ Why it's ok for self-employment to totally suck sometimes. Check, check, and check. It's a rollercoaster!
+ 7 Tips for the Introverted Career Woman. AMEN, sister! Especially #1 and #4.
+ My friend Katie wrote a super vulnerable post on her health and weight journey. If you've been trapped in the restrictive/calorie counting mentality and aren't seeing results, or if you struggle with negative body image or binge eating, this is a must read! I believe that we need to start taking a stand for our ultimate health and happiness, and it starts by banding together, sharing our stories, and realizing we aren't alone.
+ A Dietician's Take on Shakeology. I am OBSESSED with Shakeology and my friend Tveen put all my thoughts into words. It's just the best. I've been drinking it every day for over a year and I haven't been sick in over 14 months!! (knock on wood)
+ And finally a fun recipe for your meal plan next week. At least MY meal plan :) Chicken Shawarma with Hummus and Pita. NOM.
Do you have fun plans for this weekend? Ben and I are having the neighbors over tonight for chili and Settlers of Catan, and other than that we're going to work, relax, and we're officially being installed as new member of our church on Sunday! I'm enjoying these low-key weekends because I know once spring and summer hit, life is going to pick up the pace. For now, I'll just soak up as much quiet time as I can.
xo Anna