Life Coaching for Moms in Business with Anna
What if growing a business or pursuing your creativity gets to be the easy part of motherhood, the fuel that allows you to be the most joyful and fulfilled mom, partner, woman you can be?
I'm a certified life coach for creative business owners who are also moms.
Working 1:1 with me is the most personalized, intensive, and life changing way I can support you in creating a life and business that reflects the shift of motherhood.
You’re ready to feel:
aligned in your purpose
at home in your body
confident in your decisions during this season of life
You know you don’t need another cookie cutter business course and you don’t want to get lost in a group program. You’re ready to invest in custom, personalized coaching from someone who deeply understands where you’re at - brain fog, mom guilt, toddler tantrums and all.
I feel like you helped me see some of the road blocks I was creating for myself.
You helped me to count the wins and recognize the good I was already doing, which gave me the belief that I could do those things I set out to do.
I feel like I've had growth in all areas! I've found a bit of "balance"... Like I was able to get the things done that were most important with my family and life and STILL grow my business and not feel completely overwhelmed!
-Kerri Borba
Choose Your Adventure
You want my signature 1:1 coaching program. A spacious and deeply personalized container for you to release the “all or nothing” mindset, drop the rush and pressure, and set the foundation and direction for the next chapter of your life and business.
With a 1:1 call every other week, we’ll set inspiring goals for our time together and step by step action plan along the way. Pivots, detours, and off-road adventures are encouraged as you progress ;)
You also get unlimited Voxer and email support in between sessions to get feedback on your action items and work through any resistance or the uncomfy feelings and self doubt that pops up when you go out of your comfort zone
PLUS customized worksheets, journal prompts, meditations, suggested resources so you feel organized, motivated and see results, as well as VIP access to all my digital courses and programs to support your personal growth and business development
You need Voxer coaching. Access to me through daily voice support.
We’ll start with an in-depth intro questionnaire to feel super clear on your goals and what you want and need in this season, and one 1:1 call to set the foundation of our coaching relationship.
Then you get unlimited Voxer (voice/text message) support M-F during business hours for accountability to keep showing up for yourself. Like having a life coach in your back pocket!
Plus customized worksheets, journal prompts, meditations, suggested resources to support your goals
Anna - you have changed my life forever. I feel optimistic for the first time. I no longer look at only the negative.
This is helping my business in huge ways, helping me set huge goals and diving into the goals with my entire team on board with me. It's helped my relationships in huge ways as well.
My entire life has shifted permanently. I have learned to slow down, to take my time, to take care of myself and to unplug. There is a time to take care of others and there is a time to take care of myself too.
I have learned healthy habits that I will continue to use that allow me to feel present, happy and guilt free. I feel like I have more balance in my life now. Rather than coasting through life with stress and guilt, I find positive things that I can do to help transpire change.
My life feels really good now and I can’t say I have ever felt this as peace before. I have a new outlook on life now and it is ALL thanks to you.
-Jess Dukes, Elite health and fitness coach
About Anna
I’ve been coaching women since 2014. About six years ago, my husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. Unfortunately my first pregnancy ended in a devastating loss, but soon after I was overjoyed and grateful to experience a healthy pregnancy and welcome our first baby boy into the world.
Going through new motherhood (not to mention a pandemic !) felt like a spiritual journey to me as I was forced to confront my deepest fears, and so many parts of myself were destroyed and rebuilt.
I had to process stuff such as:
fear of being able to be a present mom and grow my business
guilt for not enjoying being a full time “stay at home mom”
sadness for not being able to work as much as I really wanted during some phases, and letting go of soooo many expectations
gradual massive life re-alignment, getting clear on what I actually wanted and needed, FOR ME. Not compared to being the perfect 6 figure coach, or Pinterest mom… but finding my own way
And through it all, I was learning and practicing how to surrender, trust in myself and divine support, and free fall into the depths of the unknown.
When you get clear on what you want, things start to shift. Sometimes faster than your comfort zone would prefer :)
Over the last couple years we left Chicago to move to Michigan, bought a house, went through another pregnancy loss, and finally this spring welcomed our second baby boy who has been nothing short of a miraculous delight.
This is just a snippet of the personal experience that I bring into my work as a coach for fellow moms. But your story and your journey is unique to you. What we all have in common is that life moves in cycles and seasons, a continual assignment in learning to become ourselves and gaining the courage to share that with the world.
I’m here to help you mine the gold along the way.
You can read my full story HERE!
“I decided to pursue life coaching because I was still in the first few months of motherhood, but I knew I wanted work of my own outside of mothering and at the time I would not have been able to effectively prioritize completing my life coaching certification and building my business without some help. My favorite part of working together was your lightheartedness yet depth of wisdom, and the initial meditation at each session to set the mood was so helpful! The biggest transformation for me was using my mind in a different way when I was doing semi-mindless things, such as nursing. This tool has been immensely effective in my life and was the exact support I needed, especially in a part of life where I feel I have no time.”
-Hallie Cohnstrenger, Life Coach
“I knew I was unhappy at my 9-5. I knew I was having doubts that I could continue and maintain my weight loss. I knew I wanted to feel more fulfilled and satisfied in several areas of my life... and I knew that I was ready to invest time, money, and energy in myself and my personal and professional development.
I got my confidence back. I was able to show up better in every aspect of my life. I was able to ask for help and access the tools & resources I needed. I was able to recognize what parts of my life were no longer in alignment. I discovered the work that I’m truly passionate about. I lost another 15lbs. I quit my MF 9-5 job. I made another massive investment in myself and my business.
And today, one year after my first life coaching session, I’m putting the final touches on MY 1:1 and group coaching offers so I can pay it forward and help others transform their lives, reach their goals, and THRIVE!”-Naomi Levine, Energy and Empowerment Coach
Coaching with Anna is for you if…
You’re pregnant or getting back to work as a new mom:
Your business was always your creative “baby”… but now you have a real one. Becoming a mom has changed your life, blown open your heart, and you’re so excited to begin this next chapter. But wtf does running your business even look like, now that all your goals and priorities have changed, you feel like a completely different person, and you’re still recovering from birth trauma and in the thick of sleep regressions and a non-existent schedule?
You need a full life and biz realignment, a rebirth of your own.
You want to grow your business while still prioritizing your family:
You want to make sure you’re balancing it all so you can give your best self to all your roles as mom and business owner.
You’re ready for a gentle re-integration so your work is aligned with what matters most.
You’re here for the inner journey:
You’d like support in self-inquiry as you embrace this new season of the heroine’s cyclical journey: Maiden to mother to wild woman to wise crone.
You need space to breathe, reflect, and unleash your voice in order to share your wisdom in an authentic way.
In the two months since our coaching series ended, I’ve spoken at two different events. Both times I felt very comfortable and aligned throughout and afterwards. It’s so great that I received these opportunities to speak my stories after doing this coaching work. If the opportunities had come before, it’s quite likely I would have turned them down. I wouldn’t have felt ready. I’m now noticing opportunities in a different way. I’m more open to receiving answers to my questions from different directions than I would have expected before the coaching series. e.g. the spiritual mentoring question has partly been answered by working with plant energies!
You were intuitive, empathic, well organised, supportive, non-judgmental. I didn’t notice one single time in the whole coaching series where you responded in a way that felt “off” to me. (And I don’t say this lightly!)
My favorite part of life coaching was having witnessing and accountability to speak and follow my dreams. Working with you was exciting and fun!
-Alice Bulmer, Life Coach and Ukelele Teacher
What can you expect on the other side?
You know how to manage your energy so you aren’t pouring from an empty cup
You have tools to cultivate a positive mindset and find peace even on the hard days
Less mom guilt or “bad mom” narrative, and therefore immunity from the Ms. Judgey Judgey Pants out there
Trust that everything is going to work out instead of having to control freak force it
The ability to clearly communicate your needs AND receive the delicious support you require
Connection to your body, and your natural cycles and feminine energy
Permission to carve out your own space for passion work, whatever lights you up
Trust in yourself and your capacity to create the vibrant life you desire!
The ability to SHIFT out of self doubt, exhaustion, resentment, guilt, and the normal feelings we experience as moms without feeling like a failure
More time and energy to love on yourself, your partner, your kids
Daily routines that include self care and filling your cup
Become a Life Coach
Are you feeling the pull to become a life coach?
I completed my training and certification through the Beautiful You Life Coaching Course and am proud to be an affiliate.
Click here to learn more about the program and my affiliate bonuses.
More Client Love!
“You were a joy to work with! You are an extremely inspiring individual and have a natural ability to relate to people and help them with whatever is going on in their life. Keep on doing your thing, Anna, the world needs more of your light! My new mantra is “my plate is full and its delicious!”
When we first connected I had lost sight of what I truly wanted from my business and life. I just started Karate again after a 6 year break and was just overwhelmed of all the things I wanted to achieve. The biggest change I've noticed after working together is that I am living true to myself and do whatever I want to do. I started listening to my own voice and now I am more focused and driven to really get my business started. I am confident that my life will unfold the right way. I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding me the last 6 months. You had such a great impact on me and I am so inspired to continue my life and business.
-Jocelyne Clémençon, Life Coach & Graphic Designer
After our first meeting, I knew that Anna was the right coach to work with because I could relate to her mindset and how she would help me set goals would make them actually achievable. Now I am much more confident in who I am and feel much more passionate about the ideas I have and will see them through. The biggest change I have noticed is I am much more focused and confident in my abilities. I am setting time for all of my goals and slowly building them to see actual results, and I am much more interested and content with things I have to do so that I can do the things that I want to.
-Kristen Bock, GIS Analyst
Before working with Anna, I was sick of feeling stuck in a rut, needed to take some time to focus on my goals, and wanted help pointing me in the right direction. Now I have a clearer approach towards my next career move, I've gotten into a healthy fitness routine, and my Beautycounter business is doing the best it has been. All positive things, and I'm loving it! It makes me feel good, accomplished, and like my goals are within reach!
-Jenna Webb, Beautycounter Consultant
I knew that I had it in me to navigate entrepreneurship and reinventing/meeting the "new me" - but I had no idea where to start.
I was overwhelmed - mentally, spiritually and emotionally. I knew that with your help, you could give me the tools or the exercises to find and uncover this new me.
Thank you Anna so very much for your coaching, guidance, and friendship. I feel more creatively inspired than I have felt in years and I am so excited to hit the ground running and become truly what I believe I was always meant to be.
-Deidre Wilson, health coach
credit: Kara Evans Photographer
So much shifted for me in the end. I realized that I am worth taking care of and worth following my heart and my feeling about things. I learned that I have to be kinder to myself and have a better relationship with myself before changing anything else in my life. If I had to describe our work together in three words, they would be enlightening, motivating, and loving.
-Tveen Verano, Registered Dietitian
credit: Jessica Evans
My husband has noticed that I am happier & more positive! He has mentioned that to me. My friends & coworkers have noticed a shift in my business & a huge leap in my numbers. I have more confidence and I am more straightforward when it comes to fighting for what I think I deserve. I used to let people walk all over me & avoided confrontation like the plague. Now, I am standing up for myself. I have become more assertive, developed boundaries with my business, and prioritized my family time. Now they get what THEY deserve too. :)
-Lacey Nelson, Health Coach
Anna made me feel like it was normal and like everyone (especially women) struggles with feeling like they are the only ones who struggle! I felt some shifts in understanding myself a little better and realizing I am harder on myself than I need to be and I have made more strides than I thought. I think the biggest change is just recognizing that I have come a long way in understanding myself and my needs - and even though I’m not perfect, I have and do continue to make strides in different areas of my life.
-Kaiti Tucker, Graphic Designer + Yoga Instructor