Anna Maria Locke

oregon country fair


Last weekend revolved around a roadtrip to the Oregon Country Fair, where my crewmember Clem has had a booth to sell his photography and reclaimed redwood furniture for the past 28 years or so. I don't really have words to describe the experience; my friend kind of hit it with "circus meets hippie-fest meets Renaissance Fair." The fair itself is composed of a maze of pathways built into a forest, lined with double story booths selling crafts and food, pretty much everything you could think of and then more. The sensory assault is overwhelming--color, smells, music. And the most happy and friendly people that aren't strangers, but instant-family. Even though the atmosphere is crazy, I was left with a feeling of quiet calm at the end of the day, and the strange muted sense that I hadn't even touched the surface of this three day human kaleidoscope.