Today I decided was going to be a better day.
I don't mind feeling down sometimes, because it's my mind's way of balancing emotions. But sometimes the pity-party gets old. As in: You know you need to snap out of it when you start thinking of reasons to prolong the funk, like realizing it is your 18th month anniversary... of long distance. Booo nobody else in the world cares except 1 other person.
So I am going to be happy again now :)
Good things about today:
-getting 9 hours of sleep thanks to (strange) extreme exhaustion last night
-awesome elliptical workout thanks to this (free workout podcasts!)
-getting letters and exciting phone calls from best friends
-December in 2 weeks aka Christmas Month !
-coming home before dark to work on le neverending spreadsheet
(tons of tree data from Yosemite NP)
-baking pumpkin scones
-to go with my expanding Holiday Tea collection
Can I eat scones for dinner?