Anna Maria Locke

January 2015

how to set 2015 goals and follow through

January 2015AnnaComment

I've been thinking and obsessing A LOT lately about what I want to accomplish in 2015, and I'm just now finally hashing out my goals and intentions even though we're already almost a month into the year. Better late than never! This is the first full calendar year that I'll be self-employed, so I feel a lot of self imposed pressure to have all my goals and dreams beautifully organized with made to match action plans and long term and short term objectives. But it's not that easy!

It's freaking hard to set goals and follow through. This is why only 8% of people actually achieve their New Years Resolutions. It's really scary to trust yourself enough to set a long term goal because who knows what will happen! The great unknown is a big obstacle.

Will I actually be able to make this happen?

There's only one way to find out. Obviously you have to have faith and give it your best shot, but the fear of failure can be self sabotaging and my own fears have been holding me back.

I'm obsessed with the big picture and long term dreaming and visioning, which is why I went to grad school for geography instead of ecology (if you're an environmental scientist you'll understand), but I also struggle with a lot of self doubt, which prevents me from setting and accepting really big scary goals. When I quit my day job to follow my dreams, I was surprised to discover that my self doubt hit me even harder and stronger than ever before!

For the first time in my life I'm cut free from external expectations of school or a job. I have complete control over how I spend and manage my time and let me tell you, it's not necessarily a blessing! Some days it feels more like a curse. I don't know what to prioritize. I don't know WHAT is the most important thing for me to be focusing on at any given moment, no structure, and that paralyzes me and prevents me from doing ANYTHING.

I'm also obsessed with absorbing books and blogs and podcasts and printable questionnaires that will tell me what I should want out of life, how I should feel, and how I should plan out my strategy, but it's hard for me to know what I'm capable of, or what is possible and realistic, because I'm so new at all of this. Because I don't know what to expect, I don't know what my end goals should be. I don't know how to plot out the details and baby steps because I hate not being able to see exactly where I'm going. I am a chronic overachiever and commitment-phobe, and I'm easily overwhelmed by all the information I'm overloading myself with.

Sooooo yeah. All this is what I've been dealing with this past month, but I'm starting to finally feel like I'm developing a plan. I've discovered several bloggers and coaches who have amazing perspectives on goal setting, and here are some of the resources and posts I've found most useful!

Goal Setting Resources

Blog Posts


Push by Chalene Johnson (great for taking action and making shit happen!)

The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte (for putting values front and center in your jam packed crazy life)


PowerSheets by Lara Casey

Design Your Creative Year  by Kyla Roma (free!)

Unraveling the Year Ahead Workbook by Susannah Conway (free!)

What I've Learned About Goal Setting

-Start with how you want to feel. What makes you excited to think about? What would make you disappointed if it never happened (no matter how scary it seems now?)

-Instead of setting goals based on what you want to accomplish, think of benchmarks or milestones as intentions that align with your core desired feelings and values.

-Focus on daily actions that you can control. For example, you can't control the number on the scale, so instead of saying "I want to lose 10 pounds," say you're going to eat whole foods 6 days/week and exercise 4 times/week. Allow room for fun!

-It's important to focus and simplify! Set a Chief Initiative for the year ("Push" Goal), and a handful of supporting goals.

-Plan actions and benchmarks seasonally. Every three months ask yourself "what do I want to accomplish?"

-Braindump for each goal! What do you need to learn, do, acquire, and who do you need help from? Break all steps down into tiny daily action items.

-Sort the steps into 3 categories: This month, next month, third month.

-At the end of each season, re-assess!

-Set deadlines. Be aggressive with yourself so you don't procrastinate.

-Journaling every single morning really helps me feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

Now go forth and dream bigger, girl!

Do you set goals or New Years Resolutions? What is one big scary dream you want to accomplish in 2015? Let's make it happen!

Let's be internet friends!

the best lentil soup ever

January 2015AnnaComment

For Thanksgiving at my sister in law's this past year I brought a lentil salad recipe I found in

Better Homes and Gardens

(or as Ben calls it, Better Homes and Gardens Than Yours) that had a dressing made with red wine vinegar and Dijon mustard and it freaking rocked. Like, it was ALMOST as good as the cornbread stuffing that our friend Meredith brought, and stuffing + cornbread are two of my most favorite foods.

A lot of people tell me I'm an amazing cook (and I will accept all compliments and accolades gladly, hehe), but really my secret is just paying attention to what I eat! If I eat something that makes me think

OMG this is the most delicious thing ever

, I make a mental note and try to remember the components of what made it so yummy to me.

When I'm making dinner I rarely follow a recipe exactly. I usually take inspiration from my hoard of cookbooks and magazines or the memory of a delicious meal I had at a restaurant and put my own spin on it. Once you start to learn what flavors go well together and some basic cooking skills, you'll become a chef too. (I started with Easy Mac, pasta with frozen garlic bread, Lean Pockets, and Hamburger Helper in college, so if I can learn how to cook you can too. I believe in you!)

Anyway, last week we were down to a few bare scraps in the fridge and I threw together this lentil soup that was inspired by our Thanksgiving side dish. It turned out to be the best lentil soup I've ever had! Healthy, hearty, savory, delicious, and you probably already have most of the ingredients in your pantry. Try it this weekend!

The Best Lentil Soup Ever

serves 4


-1T olive oil

-1 onion, chopped

-4 carrots, chopped

-4 cloves garlic, minced

-1 cup green lentils, rinsed

-salt and pepper to taste

-1 tsp dried thyme

-4 cups broth

-1 cup water

-1 can white beans, drained and rinsed

-2T Dijon mustard

-2T red wine vinegar

-green onions


In a large pot over medium heat, sauté the onion, carrots, and garlic in olive oil until partially cooked, about 3-4 minutes. Add lentils, herbs and spices, broth, and water and bring to a simmer. Cook for 40 minutes or until lentils are soft (the best way to test doneness is try a bite!). Stir in the beans, mustard, and vinegar and simmer for another 5 minutes. Top with chopped green onions and enjoy!

Toast and peanut butter makes the perfect side to lentil soup.

(21 Day Fix: 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 tsp per serving. Makes 4 servings.)


January 2015AnnaComment

I'm so excited to officially launch my new Inspire Joy Bootcamps for 2015!

Have you ever felt TRAPPED?

-in your body or weight

-in a cycle of yo-yo dieting

-in a job or career path that doesn't fulfill you

-from becoming the person you know you are deep inside

Since last February I've been hosting "challenge groups" and coaching women through fitness programs like the

21 Day Fix



, and over time (and 100 participants later!) I've slowly refined and revised the structure and format of my groups into an experience that is completely transformative.

I started feeling an energy shift in my December accountability group. The focus started to change from how many pounds and inches we could lose, to everything we can GAIN when you take a stand and make a commitment to yourself. The women in the group bonded as friends and sisters, and witnessed some incredible personal breakthroughs.

Once a month I will open a 21 day private accountability group through Facebook and create a positive, uplifting, and motivating community to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

My ultimate mission with these Bootcamps is to create welcoming, close-knit communities and life changing results factories.

I want to help you reclaim your joy and create an inspired life.

We start by learning how to make small, healthy adjustments in our daily routines, eliminate processed food and junk from our diets, nourish our bodies with wholesome real foods, and sweat every day with a fun at-home workout program that's guaranteed to deliver.

Weight loss becomes a mere a side effect when you commit to these small positive changes.

A full immersive experience 

  • You'll receive a fun world-class at home fitness program specifically tailored to YOU, a workout schedule, and a nutrition plan to help you establish a routine and set healthy habits you can maintain for long-term results. No more guesswork! Decide, commit, and succeed.
  • Goal setting, personal development, and visioning tools to help you design your dream life.
  • Daily support and check-ins via the community and social media to keep you on track when life throws temptation in your path!
  • A recipe e-book chock full of delicious and family friendly meals and snacks.
  • Meal planning strategies and spreadsheets to help you get organized.
  • A delicious and energizing superfood and protein meal.
  • My weekly Fit For Life check-in newsletter with helpful recipes, articles, and one-on-one email coaching.
  • LIFETIME access to me, and a reserved spot in all future Bootcamps. I'm with you every step of the way until you've reached your goals.

You are ready if

  • You're willing to make the effort to prioritize YOU. 
  • You're not sure if you'll ever be able to lose the last 10, 25, 45 pounds.
  • You’ve recently stepped on the scale and have felt ashamed or frustrated with the number reflected.
  • You know deep down that you're worth more.
  • You're a yo-yo “dieter” who struggles with consistency and you want to finally break the cycle and find a deprivation-free lifestyle that WORKS.
  • You want to LOVE your body instead of feeling “gross” or disappointed.
  • You want to finally fit back into that pair of skinny jeans or special dress lurking in the back of your closet (I know it’s there!!).
  • You have a special trip or event coming up and want to OWN it.
  • You want to find a lifestyle that is sustainable, not a short term “quick fix.”
  • You DON’T want to deprive yourself of the fun in life, but also don’t want to feel guilty or regretful next time you go out for wine night with the girls, or eat a burger or piece of cake.
  • You finally want to get organized and learn how to meal plan.
  • You don’t want to feel alone in your journey to be healthier, or are afraid of being ostracized or judged by your friends and family.
  • You have NO IDEA where to start, but you know something needs to happen.
  • You need accountability to stay on track, and love being part of a smal, positive, supportive, community of women who will get you and uplift you.

Come as you are!

We’re not perfect, but we’re real women, battling real challenges. In community there is power and strength. We triumph over the day-to-day. We celebrate small victories, lift each other up when life gets hard or scary, and never give up on our future dreams no matter how far away they may seem.

Take a chance on yourself! Believe you are worthy of happiness, and capable of creating it. You are not alone.

You’re not falling off the wagon ever again. You were put on this earth to be happy, confident, and radiant, and I want to help you find that woman you were designed to be. You’re already beautiful--start believing it.

Enrollment process

I'm only accepting a small number of new clients every month. I want to make sure that our personalities "click" before we enter each others' lives,  and I want to be sure that you're truly ready to immerse yourself in this experience. I pour my heart and soul into these groups, and you need to be able to match my level of commitment! 

We will start by getting to know each other over email, and then schedule a 15 minute phone consultation if needed to dig deep into your goals.

Finally, I'll help you decide on a program that's best suited to your lifestyle, schedule, and needs so you can be sure you'll be able to stick with it and see results!

Once you're an Inspire Joy Bootcamp member, you'll have a spot reserved just for you in all future Bootcamps if you wish, and you'll receive my one-on-one support via email and social media for as long as you need me!


For entry into your first Inspire Joy Bootcamp (and a guaranteed spot in all future groups) you'll invest in a complete health and fitness package that comes with a workout program, nutrition guide, and a 30 day supply of a delicious superfood meal replacement smoothie, 


Packages begin at $160.


Let's start writing YOUR success story today!

Click here

 to read more about my experiences as an independent Team Beachbody coach!